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Attempts of fraudulent actions against the company " Rustechpostavka"

       During the summer and autumn of 2019, Rustehpostavka Ltd fraudulently tried to cause damage in the amount of more than 5 million rubles. At the same time, for this purpose chose the scheme of deception using modern technologies on registration of legal documents.
  A group of persons, using forged documents and personal information about the Director of the company Homchukov Alexeiy Nikolaevich, obtained in violation of The law on secrecy and protection of personal data, registered an Electronic Signature Certificate in LLC " LAMMI "(INN: 7720398733), which is a service center known in many criminal cases of JSC" KALUGA-ASTRAL " generating Certificates of Electronic Signatures.
   Using a fake Electronic Signature scammers and tried to fraudulently earn money by signing documents intended for transmission to government agencies in electronic form. So in Federal Tax Service on forged EP on behalf of LLC Rustehpostavka they handed over the reporting with debt on the NDS and the profit tax for the sum more than 5 million rubles. All this led to lengthy proceedings with the Federal Tax Service and caused financial damage to the company.
   All documents on this fraud were transferred to the Department for combating economic crimes and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

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